Monday, May 16, 2005

woe to the last minute master

So I am taking some classes by mail through a certain seminary so that I can finish a degree and then... I don't know, save the world. Anyways this class that I have taken by mail is extremely open-ended and basically consists of listening to tapes, reading books and writing papers. As a quick aside, who in the world still listens to tapes. I mean if you are paying out of the bootayh, that is spelled correctly, then is it too much to ask for something other then tapes? Come on people move into at least the 20th century.

The problem with this class, and it really is just a problem with me, is that it really doesn't have any deadlines. Just one really and that is the final deadline when everything is supposed to be turned in by. Therefore I find myself about to leave the country and start a busy summer and I am trying to get everything for this class done in about a week. That is not a good thing.

As I scrabble to finish I am the first to admit that this is my bad but I do have one bone to pick. Is it too much to ask a school for which you are paying to get an education to force some accountability on those who are taking their classes? I mean some kind of regular check-in where you have to talk to a professor or advisor would at least keep me honest. And as much as I wish I was driven purely by the deep desire to learn it is just not true. I am driven by the desire to learn and the knowledge that if I don't get something in on time I will get a worse grade.

Now I might not make Maslow and his stupid hierarchy proud but screw that. I need people getting on me. So now that I have blown a little steam and projected my internal frustration upon the 'system' I will go back to work till this is done. Sweet Germany come soon.


Blogger Mary said...

i love tapes. there's something about a mix tape that you just don't get in a mix cd. but i know, i know, you're talking about school - and since you're feeling "arghed" about it, i will temporarily put aside my love for tapes to support you in your frustration with them.

tapes suck. maslow stinks. sweet germany come soon.

Tue May 17, 09:16:00 AM  

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