Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Film #1 - if I had a film fest

I have dreamt of putting together a film fest for a few years now with films that pointed to 'Beauty, Hope, Justice and Redemption'. I want to post films here that I show in case this dream ever becomes reality.

Waste Land tells the story of social justice being done in a way that gives respect and hope in a place where it would be easy to believe there is none. While I do not believe it was its intent, this film has one of the best expressions of the gospel that I know.

Reading from 8.15-10.15.11

I loved this book. It was a bit wordy at times and maybe overused poetry and art as descriptors but very much worth the read. It challenged me to think differently about viewpoints I disagree with and I wish any and all people in church leadership would engage with Dark's book. Not that church leadership is the only intended audience.

We are giving this out to students within the MS ministry so I have been reading through it. I have been impressed but as with anything like this I wish they did not take such care to clean up the stories.

I have wanted to read one of Frederick Bueckner's books in a long time and I'm not sure this was the one to start with. I did love the prose. It imparted surreal feeling upon every reading.

Even better than book one.