Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reading from 1.1.11-4.1.11

#1 Created for Community by Stanley Grentz

Read through it with KK. Good theology book especially for those interested in theology but without seminary classes.

#2 Generous Justice by Timothy Keller

Good theological case for the why and how Christians should be active in fighting for justice. Page 108 was worth the book. This books helps frame both the how and why a Christian community should strive to bring shalom.

#3 The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly

This book, while feeling a bit idealistic, describes how I would like to work within my job or any job I have down the road.

#4 The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne

This is my 3rd time through this book and right now I am going through it with a couple HS students. Great discussion starter. Sometimes I get caught up on Shane's theology but if nothing else his orthopraxy challenges how I live in a good way.

#5 Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen

We shaped Snow Camp 2011 around the ideas in this book. Great stuff about identity and with a little work seemed to communicate to MS students about how much they are loved. If nothing else it was a good personal reminder.

#6 What you do best in the body of Christ by Bruce Bugbee

Maybe this is just where I was at personally but this one got a Muh.

#7 Awed to Heaven Rooted in Earth by Walter Brueggemann

This is a book of prayers/poems. I had forgotten the power of written prayers. This seems to be a forgotten practice/value within American evangelicalism, at least to a large degree. Good stuff.