Wednesday, April 21, 2010

to try and publish?

For several months now I have been toying with the idea of trying to publish the content we have created as ministry that we call Madison Missions. After going down a few rabbit trails and coming up against more work and less clarity I had hoped for I was prepared to let go of the idea until this weekend. I hung out with some of my closest friends from college and they convinced me that the idea was worth some effort. This morning I began a proposal and we shall see.

I still feel caught between wanting to publish this material because I truly believe it is some great stuff and could help ministries in very different settings connect with their local communities in new and exciting ways through service. At the same time there is a piece of this that just thinks it would be cool to publish something with my name on it. I am not sure how big that piece is and I want to be careful that is not my driving motivation.

This struggle takes me to a bigger issue of how naval gazing has a way of stalling action. I wonder, this blog included, if I take too much time to figure out what my motivation is when I should be quicker to act. I know this comes up a lot when it comes to acts of obedience that are uncomfortable. It is much easier to waste time pondering what is really at the root of my conviction than it is to take action. With that said I am going to get to work and see what comes of all this.


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