Monday, January 22, 2007

final thoughts from days away

My time is coming to a close. I am sitting at a Starbucks while waiting to be picked up. I feel refreshed and excited to start another semester of doing life with students and volunteers. I was repeatedly convinced of my need to step back from the busyness of life to think, prayer, read and just relax. Even more than that I believe this is something that is important for all people.

Granted I am learning more and more that I am an introvert and I need these times to have the energy to love people or even be nice to them. However I believe there is something universally important about stepping away from the rush of daily lives. It forces us, which is often uncomfortable, to ponder the deeper things of life. Why are we here? What are we doing with the short time we have on this planet? Is there more to life that I am not allowing myself to experience? Is all that which I pour my time, energy and passion into really worth it? These are not comfortable questions for me and I often struggle with answering them. But if I am honest I usually make myself too busy to even think about them. There is a comfort in being busy. It drowns everything else out and makes me feel important, valuable, productive.

I am afraid too many of us do this for a significant part of our lives. I want to avoid that. Even if I am wrong about slowing down as a universal need, I know it is an ever present struggle for me.
The last couple of days have challenged me with being okay with just being, with not seeking worth by what I do or who I know but by the sheer reality that I am Abba’s kid. That is an amazing reality that has a long ways to go before really sinking in.


Blogger Joel said...

I've been processing the same thought of "where does my worth and value come from?". Being jobless helps me to see it comes, all to often, from what I do and not who God calls me.

Tue Jan 23, 09:39:00 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

amen, jon. if i'm honest with myself, i admit that i'm jealous at how well you aim to "still" your life and schedule and busyness.

it forces me to grapple with what i've (often) mistakenly prioritized in my own life.

Wed Jan 24, 08:37:00 AM  

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