Thursday, August 25, 2005

soul rest

Last night I rolled back into Madtown after four days of hiking in the Porcupine Mountains. It was a fantastic time of getting into the woods and being with close friends. These trips are food for the soul and all three of us hiking agreed upon is a needed aspect of our lives.

There is just something about escaping the day-to-day rush and busyness and being reduced to answering the questions, ‘what to eat’ and ‘when should we stop walking’ that puts the world in perspective. On top of that I really love my friends and the process we go through while discussing an idea. An idea is proposed, refuted, refined and debated until we quickly degrade into juvenile humor to then leap again to higher intellectual ground for a time and sink again. The cycle was repeated over and over again and I loved it. These trips are so restful and I suppose they really could not be otherwise when we sleep 9-10 hours a night.

I think I have been ruined for expensive vacations and I have my parents to thank for that and making our family camp out of the back of the car as I was growing up. I missed out on Disney World but I did learn how to cook some pretty dang good pizza over a fire so take that Mickey.


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