Wednesday, October 27, 2004

the fog has lifted

Do you ever have those hard choices or conversations that you know that you need to have but you just do not want to go there? I am not sure if it because of my personality or if it is how all people are but I find it paralyzing. It weighs upon my thoughts and slows my actions. I find it an incredible opportunity for self-reflection after the fact but in the midst of these times, I hate it. There are few things I hate more. And it makes me wonder what it means to live with courage. I think courage really is found in the small daily choices we make everyday that are hard but are right. I also am finding that the best way to deal with hard things is to face them right away. Otherwise they grow like those little foam animals that came in the gel capsules and when you added water they expanded to enormous size. Come on people, that is a great comparison. So I guess this is not likely any sort of revelation for the average person but it kind of is for me. Would it not be awesome to live in a community where people went at issues right away instead of letting it fester and grow. Come on passive-aggressive people, join me in stopping this kind of behavior.
All I know is that when I step up and act, the next day looks brighter. So as I enjoy a brown ale and listen to switchfoot, here is to tomorrow, a sunny day no matter what the weather.


Blogger Jon said...

Thanks krissy. I hope you work out your stuff and I really want to know if one can still buy those gel animals. Thanks for reading the blog.

Mon Nov 08, 03:46:00 PM  

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